Vasilena V.
Apr 4, 2024


And the truth is that if you want to be a successful entrepreneur (or influencer) you need to have a specific mindset AND skillset. I am coming from corporate, where I had everything I needed - assistants, budgets, name it. And I didn’t have work-life balance. Now I have two businesses, in my spare time I am coaching, writing kids books and still there’s no balance.
The difference?
I work for myself and build a legacy. I am much more proactive and realised my energy and time are the most important assets. So I should never settle for less.
Don’t ask me how I came to this point 🤣 The hard way - depression, sleepless nights and loads of anxiety…

Amazing article of yours! 🙌
Thank you for this read!



Vasilena V.

I love coaching parents of teenagers. Marketing is what I do for living, and writing is my passion. Welcome to my space. I hope you enjoy it!